Attention Long COVID Sufferers: You're Not Alone! Keep Reading To See How You Can Break Free From The COVID Misinformation Now!

 Don't Let Long COVID Steal Your Life! Join The Movement That's Exposing The Real Answers
Our 30+ experts will give you the tools to avoid the financial pitfalls, health struggles, and mental challenges of Long COVID
Check Out The Interview Titles & Topics Below
You can't afford to miss this one!
Here's What You'll Learn
...From  Our World-Class Experts In Their Sessions!

Groundhog Day: Break Free From The Endless Cycle Of Long COVID Fatigue

Explore the relentless fatigue that defines the lives of many Long COVID sufferers, uncovering patterns that perpetuate this exhaustion. Discover practical, real-world strategies to break free from this cycle, bringing new hope to those caught in the grips of perpetual tiredness.

Healing On Your Own: DIY Strategies For A Life Ruined By Long COVID

Dive into the world of self-managed recovery from Long COVID, learning about effective DIY strategies that bring relief. Uncover how to sift through overwhelming information and empower yourself with credible, self-healing techniques in the face of this challenging condition.

Long COVID And Cancer - Where Do We Stand?

Join us in a groundbreaking exploration of the intersection between Long COVID and cancer, understanding their similarities in patient experience and treatment. Gain insights into the unique challenges faced by those battling both, and the emerging support systems available to them.

Is It Long COVID? Or Just A Lingering Vaccine Side Effect?

Navigate the confusing overlap between Long COVID symptoms and vaccine side effects, and learn to distinguish between the two. Understand how this confusion affects trust in healthcare and discover strategies to manage your health effectively in this uncertain landscape.

Reversing The Brain Fog Phenomenon

Unravel the mysteries of Long COVID-related brain fog and learn strategies to manage its perplexing symptoms. Find out how to articulate this challenging condition to healthcare providers and loved ones, paving the way for better understanding and support.

The Forbidden Conversation: The Unspoken Truth Of Science And COVID

Step into a candid discussion about the often-avoided aspects of COVID’s scientific narrative, bridging the gap between public health messaging and the realities of Long COVID. Challenge the status quo and contribute to a more nuanced and inclusive scientific conversation on COVID.

Vaccine Aftermath: The Hidden Connection To Your Long COVID Nightmare

Delve into the sensitive topic of COVID vaccines' potential role in Long COVID symptoms. Explore the balance of risks and benefits, uncovering how ongoing research is addressing these concerns and shaping future health strategies.

Gasping For Air: Regain Your Breath And Your Life

Uncover the hidden reasons behind the breathlessness haunting Long COVID sufferers, even after mild virus cases. Learn actionable steps and therapies to improve lung function and navigate life with newfound ease and breath.

Invisible Chains: How Long COVID Is Silencing The American Worker

Discover the unseen struggle of American workers bound by Long COVID, examining the challenges they face in returning to work. Learn about the rights, support systems, and workplace strategies essential for balancing health and career in this new reality.

Whispers Of Truth: Realities Of Long COVID From The Shadows

Step into the shadows of Long COVID, bringing to light the most misunderstood aspects of this silent battle. Engage in a dialogue that fosters compassion and understanding, shifting public perception and media narratives about the long-term impacts of the virus.

Foggy Days Ahead? Clearing The Air On Long COVID And Mental Clarity

Explore the perplexing link between Long COVID and mental fog, and its profound impact on daily life. Uncover strategies and resources to combat this cognitive haze, offering a beacon of hope for those seeking mental clarity in a foggy world.

Where’s The Aid? How To Get Help In A World Ignoring Long COVID

Confront the overlooked plight of Long COVID sufferers and learn how to navigate a world seemingly blind to their struggles. Discover pathways to support and recognition, igniting community action and advocacy for those in dire need of aid.

Life In The Slow Lane: The Harsh Reality Of Long COVID Fatigue

Delve into the debilitating world of Long COVID fatigue, different from any tiredness you've known. Unearth coping strategies and lifestyle changes that offer a glimmer of hope in managing this overwhelming exhaustion.

The Government's Silent Stance On Long COVID And What's Happening Behind Closed Doors

Probe into the government's silence on Long COVID, exploring its impact and the undercurrents of hidden efforts. Demand transparency and action, drawing lessons from past health crises to shape a better response for those suffering.

Mind In A Maze: Long COVID Could Be Causing Your Depression

Link the dots between Long COVID and the surge in depression, understanding how this intertwining affects both physical and mental health. Gain insight into support systems and coping strategies, illuminating a path towards mental wellness amidst the chaos of Long COVID.

Real Talk On Vaccines And What Is Inside Of Them

Delve into the complex relationship between vaccines and Long COVID, uncovering the facts about vaccine ingredients. Engage in crucial conversations about vaccine safety and informed decision-making, guided by expert insights and transparent information.

Overcoming The Great Divide In COVID Narratives

Navigate the polarized views surrounding COVID and understand their impact on public perception of Long COVID. Discover strategies to bridge this divide, fostering a unified approach to combat long COVID effectively.

The Unseen Cost Of Long COVID On Your Business

How is Long COVID stealthily undermining business productivity and financial health? Learn about the industries most affected and strategies businesses can adopt to shield both their workforce and bottom line.

COVID — Man-Made Or An Act Of God?

Join a mind-blowing discussion on the origins of COVID, dissecting theories and their implications for public response and long COVID management. Discover the scientific and historical perspectives crucial in understanding and combating this virus.

Exposing The Links Between The Economic Collapse And Long COVID

Examine how Long COVID is accelerating job losses and economic downturns. Explore unseen economic impacts and learn about policies and strategies to mitigate these challenges for a healthier economic future.

Long COVID To 5K: How To Regain Your Fitness

Embark on a journey from Long COVID to regaining fitness, learning from personal stories and expert advice. Discover specific exercises and mental strategies to overcome physical limitations and reinvigorate your fitness journey.

Biohacking Your Way Out Of Long-COVID's Grip

Step into the world of biohacking to combat Long COVID, exploring effective strategies and their safety. Learn how to tailor biohacking to your symptoms, finding resources and success stories to guide you through this innovative approach.

Vaccine Induced AIDS (VAIDS)

Explore the overshadowing of Long COVID in the healthcare landscape. Learn how to balance the focus on multiple health crises and the importance of advocating for Long COVID recognition and support.

In Vaccines We Trust: Questioning The Official Narrative

Dive into the controversial link between vaccines and Long COVID. Learn how to navigate the confusion and fear surrounding this topic, staying informed and safe amidst emerging information and differing opinions.

The Silent Thief: How Long COVID Creeps Into Your Bedroom And Hijacks Your Sleep

Discover how Long COVID is stealing sleep and impacting overall health. Gain practical tips for improving sleep quality and learn from success stories to reclaim your night from the clutches of Long COVID.

Unknown Victims And A Huge Impact: The Unheard Truth Of Childhood Long COVID

Shine a light on the hidden crisis of childhood Long COVID, exploring its unique challenges and impacts. Learn how families, schools, and communities can rally support for these young, often overlooked victims.

Protecting Your Family From Post-Pandemic Poverty

Discover how Long COVID is driving families towards financial instability and the hidden economic impacts of this health crisis. Learn about strategies, supports, and community responses to mitigate the financial toll of Long COVID, emphasizing the importance of economic consideration in recovery strategies.

Homeopathic Pathways To Reverse The Adverse Effects Of The Jab

Explore how homeopathy offers a path to overcome Long COVID, delving into specific treatments and personal success stories. Understand the balance between homeopathic and conventional treatments, debunking myths and considering the safety and efficacy of this alternative approach.

Mindful Practices To Calm Long COVID Anxiety!

Unlock the power of mindfulness in managing Long COVID-induced anxiety. Learn about various practices, their effectiveness, and inspiring success stories, providing a roadmap for beginners and highlighting the scientific and anecdotal evidence supporting mindfulness.

A World Asleep: A Spiritual Awakening Of Humanity

Probe why Long COVID remains a sidelined conversation and how to bring key issues into the public domain. Discuss the role of media, healthcare, and government in this awakening, and the steps to amplify the dialogue, highlighting the mental and emotional impact of this silence.

Recovery Through Nutrition: Break Free From Long COVID’s Grip!

Embark on a journey of recovery from Long COVID through nutrition, learning from stories of personal triumphs. Uncover holistic approaches that integrate physical, mental, and emotional healing, and learn how to navigate the plethora of treatment options for a well-rounded recovery.
We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
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Meet Your Summit Host - Dr. Robert Scott Bell    
In broadcast media since 1999, Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. (American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy 1994) served on the board of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (1999-2001), currently serving on the Board for Trinity School of Natural Health and United Precious Metals Association. Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner, an author and an expert in silver and copper therapeutics.

As a keynote speaker, lecturer and educator, he shares his expertise and practical experience with a broad range of audiences from Health Care and Wellness Professional forums, to Natural Industry trade and consumer shows, addressing those who are seeking the depth of his knowledge, education and key insights from his years of holistic practice, supporting effective natural health and healing choices. Robert reversed numerous chronic diseases nearly 30 years ago via homeopathy, herbal medicine, organic whole foods, minerals, essential fats and the transformational power of belief in the Holy Spirit. Robert is the father of 2 vaccine-free children, Elijah (23) and Ariana (18), with his wife Nancy.

RSB co-authored Unlock the Power To Heal with Ty Bollinger. He hosts the popular Robert Scott Bell Radio Show six days a week, where he discusses everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative and holistic health care. He travels and lectures to bring the power to heal back where it belongs, with each and everyone of you!
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Join The 360 Summits JV/Affiliate Program
When you become an affiliate, we supply you with a range of social media graphics & email swipe copy that you can use to promote the events you are interested in. Each affiliate is provided with a unique link that is tracked by our affiliate team. Commissions are earned for each sale that comes in through your unique link!
Join Today!
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Summit Sponsorship Opportunities
Put Your Product, Service Or Brand In Front Of Engaged And Motivated New Customers Now!
The highly anticipated virtual Long COVID Masterclass kicks off August 22, 2024 with the goal of bringing the world’s best marketers and strategic thinkers together for a blockbuster virtual event.

Featured innovators will be discussing what’s working now in the fields of reversing brain fog, biohacking for long COVID relief, overcoming anxiety and depression, nutritional recovery, homeopathic strategies and so much more!
If you're not appearing, you're disappearing!
FIVE convenient sponsorship options designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
A cost-effective option for brands looking to gain visibility and connect within the Long COVID Masterclass community.  
50% Commissions: Earn substantial returns with a generous 50% commission on referred sales.
Virtual Exhibit Hall Booth: Engage attendees with a 3-10 minute video presentation, offering a digital touchpoint for potential clients.
For brands aiming for amplified visibility and deeper engagement with the Long COVID Masterclass audience.  
Everything in the Bronze package
Brand Visibility: Feature your logo prominently on the Registration, VIP Offer, and Daily Pages, increasing brand recall among attendees.
Sponsored Email Placement: Cement your brand's presence with a spot in the post-event newsletter, reaching 50k+ attendees directly in their inboxes.
premium choice for brands seeking presence and maximized interaction with the Long COVID Masterclass community.  
Everything in the Bronze and Silver
VIP Members Area Bonus: Gain an edge by offering a bonus in the highly-visited VIP Members Area (Perfect for lead generation).
Dedicated Email Reach: Stand out with 1 dedicated email to the full Summit list post-event, ensuring direct and personalized engagement with attendees.
Everything in the Bronze, Silver & Gold
Exclusive "Sponsored" Session: Own a dedicated presentation slot during the Summit, ensuring focused attention from the audience.
Post-Event Online Masterclass/Webinar: Further engage attendees by offering valuable insights through an online masterclass or webinar after the summit. (+ 2 extra emails to the list!)
Direct Email Engagement: Send 2 personalized emails to the entire Summit list post-event, strengthening brand recall and engagement.

If you want your branding to be at the CENTER of the event then this is the sponsorship for you! Perfect for sponsors aiming for unparalleled visibility and impact.
Everything in Platinum
Double the Insight: Offer two valuable post-event online masterclasses/webinars, further reinforcing your brand's expertise and authority.
Branded Video Sign-Off: Gain lasting impressions with a "Sponsored By" placement at the end of summit videos.
Exclusive Live Engagement: Host a "Sponsored" Live Zoom "Happy Hour" session for 90 minutes, allowing for real-time interaction and deeper connections with the audience.  
Breakdown of Sponsorship Benefits
Effective and convenient sponsorship benefits designed to get your brand maximum exposure and leverage through the power of our virtual event platform. 
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Your company is no longer limited to a geographic area to showcase your products and services. Our Virtual Exhibit Hall gives sponsors the opportunity to reach a worldwide audience of market leaders and innovators 24/7 without the need for travel, hotel stays and limited foot traffic. Each exhibitor/sponsor gets the opportunity to create a 3-10 minute video demonstration that would emulate the experience at a real live expo event. You can educate, share and sell your company’s products without expensive booths, staffing, and time away from work!
Brand Logo Display
Brand recognition is a key component to executing a proper marketing plan. Silver and above sponsors will receive key visibility on all trafficked summit pages. Attendees will build trust as your brand is associated with the incredibly valuable strategies and solutions shared throughout the event. Having your brand alongside the names and pictures of industry leaders will help secure your place as a relevant and future forward company who is leading the way.
Sponsored Email
After the event promotion window has ended, we will be sending all registered attendees a special newsletter that showcases our sponsors brand, products and services. Contact info including website URL and other key data points will be included in order to facilitate easy communication and sales conversations where applicable. 
VIP Bonus
Gold and above sponsors will have the opportunity to include a special bonus in our VIP Pass members area. This bonus can also be an opt-in gift to collect contact name and email address from the attendee in order to receive the bonus. Great bonuses can include, but are not limited to: special reports, ebooks, software, templates, calculators, SOPs, courses, demo products, strategy calls, checklists, cheatsheets, discounts, free+shipping offers and more!
50% Commissions
How often do you get the opportunity to earn your sponsorship investment back? All sponsors are given a unique link (tracked) to share with others who would also like to attend the events. We give a generous 50% commission to each sponsor for their referred attendees who upgrade to our VIP Pass option. On average, 10% of your referrals will upgrade and you’ll earn 50% of their VIP Pass upgrade - which adds up fast!
Dedicated Email
Forget overpriced “SWAG '' bags, brochures and trinkets that never get looked at… stop throwing your marketing dollars always on promo product gimmicks that simply don’t work. Gold and above sponsors will receive 1, 2 or 3 dedicated email sends to our ENTIRE summit registration list post event. This is the perfect time to connect with the attendees and make an offer to them without the distractions of any other sponsor. Send them a link to your website, product listings, demo pages, sales call sign up page and more!
Sponsored Presentation
Platinum and Titanium sponsors will have the opportunity to be interviewed as a presenter in the summit. This coveted placement will add thought leadership and create a sense of reciprocity in the mind of the attendees. We don’t allow those we interview to pitch or sell in the interview, however, sponsors can make a soft offer that delivers value in this special sponsored presentation.
Online Webinar
We will be hosting a series of masterclasses and webinars following the summit event to educate, showcase and sell the products and services of our sponsors. Imagine having the full attention of the masterclass audience where you can take them on a deep dive of your latest endeavor or innovation while creating sales and buzz in the process.
Sponsored Happy Hour
Reserved for our Titanium sponsors only, we will be hosting a series of live “Happy Hour” sessions each day of the three day event. This unique live interaction and networking opportunity is our way of emulating the after hours bar experience where many of the biggest deals get done at live events. Our sponsor(s) each day will be given the floor to share innovations, ideas and connect with attendees in an interactive experience.
"Sponsored By" Placement
Titanium sponsored brands will be displayed at the end of each video session giving the maximum amount of exposure before, during and after the summit. Your brand will be visible to all attendees from the first play and every replay of the summit sessions. It’s like being a name sponsor for the event.
Interested in becoming a speaker at one of our events?
CONTACT: Our Sponsorship Team
phone: 561-244-8767 or email:
Want To Speak On The Summit?
Get in front of the right audience so you can build your list and sell your programs.
Speaker Benefits:
We're anticipating over 10,000 attendees! That's equivalent to speaking in front of a packed arena of your ideal customers.
Earn $1 per free registration that you send to the summit from your email list.
Don't have a list or can't promote...? No problem! Become a speaker/sponsor and get a dedicated email send to the entire summit list, post-event.
Include a bonus in our VIP package and reach our buyer's list long after the summit is over. 
Speaker Questions?